TJC 4.6/5 - 5 ووٹ

کے بارے میں TJC

مقام: متحدہ سلطنت یونائیٹڈ کنگڈم
قسم: طرز زندگی

The Jewellery Channel (TJC) boasts a personal shopping service that offers friendly and professional advice so customers get the most out of their Jewellery shopping experience. The Jewellery Channel is a British falling-price auction-style home shopping channel and online retailer specialising in jewellery and gemstones. It is one of the main TV shopping channels in the UK.

متعلقہ ٹی وی چینلز

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Reality TV
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Really, the TV channel that celebrates real lives, with Cold Justice, Louis Theroux, Ghost Adventures and many more....