AlHadath Alyoum - الحدث اليوم

AlHadath Alyoum - الحدث اليوم 0/5 - 0 hääled

Umbes AlHadath Alyoum - الحدث اليوم

Asukoht: Egiptus

On January 12th, 2012, Al Hadath was launched as a free-to-air news and current affairs satellite channel, which operates as an extension of the long-standing Al Arabiya News Channel.
From an editorial perspective, Al HADATH focuses on extensive live coverage of events as they happen from across the Arab world and beyond. This focus includes reporting on politics, breaking news, sports, business and finance. This is coupled with an in-depth studio analysis featuring high profile guests with coverage by the channel’s correspondents in the field.

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