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Umbes ERTU

Asukoht: Egiptus
Kategooria: Kohalik TV

The Egyptian Radio and Television Union (ERTU), ( اتحاد الاذاعة و التليفزيون المصرى‎ ) is the public broadcaster of Egypt, operated by the Egyptian government. It is a member of the European Broadcasting Union. Egyptian Radio began broadcasting on 31 May 1934 in agreement with the Marconi Company. The General Manager of the station for the period was Said Basha Lotfi who presided over the station from May 1934 to December 1947. In December 1947, the contract with Marconi was suspended in favour of an Egyptian national broadcasting station. The station is known also for its call "This is Cairo". It is considered the First Program (البرنامج الأول) of the ERTU.

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